Saturday, April 28, 2012

Let the Road Blocks begin..

                                      Ouch.. they were brand new too..
DO NOT OVER TORQUE BRACKETS... Just don't do it.. It makes you sad in the end... 

Well this is why it's a tragically trepidatious journey.. guess no time like the present.  Lesson: when you need a shim.. don't test the limits of a bracket.. put the shim in first.. I apparently over torqued this poor bracket to kingdom come..                                                                                                                                                              

                                                              Out come the implements of destruction..
Ok so it's been two solid years since I used an oxy fuel rig, and I just filled the oxy yesterday so cut me some slack, gonna take me a few more practice welds to get back to the pretty side o things with this one.. I miss my Millermatic already..

It may not be pretty but is seems to be holding.

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